Texas holdem is the game which stands above other online casino games in all over the world. There are many other variations of poker game like Omaha, Texas Holdem, Seven card studs and so on. So there are lots of varieties where the player can enjoy a lot.

Tuesday 11 September 2007

Winning Does Matter

I am closing in on maintaining my blog for 3 months now. Since doing so, i have developed an interesting relationship with numbers. I am growing quite fond of blogging and all matters related to blogging. In respect to that i am beginning to realise why blogging can be a full time job. As silly as it is, it is interesting to observe the numbers related to your blog.

The picture above shows the stat for my readers base. It was a surprise and an equally rewarding feeling to see the numbers go up. It rose to its highest on the day i made a post on my winnings. And it dropped down as well the day after. It fluctuates. I am happy that poker postings have a place in its visitors. Actually, wasn't very happy when it declined. Actually it disturbs me. It makes me wonder what would make pokerpostings.blogspot.com better.

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