Texas holdem is the game which stands above other online casino games in all over the world. There are many other variations of poker game like Omaha, Texas Holdem, Seven card studs and so on. So there are lots of varieties where the player can enjoy a lot.

Saturday 1 December 2007


This post serves to answer several questions that may arise occasionally to those so inclined to be pondering about.

Does this blog/author involve in any underground or illegal gambling activities?
No. This blogger does not participate in illegal gambling activities nor provide host to poker games. If there are any real life games, it would be for recreational purposes and discussions.

Isn't playing online illegal?
Last time he checked, playing online simply put the player to be subjected to the laws of the country where the online games were hosted not where player presently are.

Where did you get all those pictures from?
All images or pictures included in the posts were personally taken/edited by the blogger. If there were some copied or borrowed from other places, it will be stated.

Are all your content in your blog originally yours?
All content posted are from the blogger's own research/findings and perspectives. No resources been taken from other corporation and deemed to be working together with other parties to produce this blog. From time to time, the blogger merely states his/her opinions.

But sometimes i see you post something already published elsewhere?
The blogger merely wanted to share the news or information that he/she deemed to be relevant and related to everyone and will kindly link back/reveal the url and state the source.

Do you operate any online gaming sites?
No. But the blogger sometimes do dream about it.

Are you a professional poker player?

Are you a semi-professional poker player?

Who is the blogger?
The blogger goes by the name Jaklang. Please direct your queries to jaklang at gmail dot com.

Now, this does not mean Jaklang is an advocate to online/offline gaming. But if you do want to play physically, to do/follow so at legally sanctioned casinos and laws of your countries.

However, Jaklang does not see playing poker as gambling but a game of skill. And believes it is a common misunderstood game.

The comments are totally of the visitors/readers. Jaklang does not self-comment just to make him/her look good. Jaklang merely replies to comment and have no responsibilities to any left behind by others.