Texas holdem is the game which stands above other online casino games in all over the world. There are many other variations of poker game like Omaha, Texas Holdem, Seven card studs and so on. So there are lots of varieties where the player can enjoy a lot.

Thursday 31 July 2008

Rehashing The Beer Talk

The affair should have ended a month ago to coincide with my first post here but calculated it needed the month of July. Was repeatedly reminded why am I wasting my time and to go look for a job that matches my background. So, I was always at end with time. To learn the game enough and continue with the job while seeking to make something out of poker. So, the beer talk was about the recent slapped in the face remark that if I don't get that job now, you will find a hard time getting one later. Heh. I traded time for it, so I got to really make something out of poker. Either it works or not, I have to stop after that 1 year time period. No regrets at all. Learned so much. The thing with poker is, I still can't make it to be all that great. But I can float myself with it. The thing is, you don't really want to get yourself out of work, just to get into another set of work. It will become a chore. And that can be stressful.