Texas holdem is the game which stands above other online casino games in all over the world. There are many other variations of poker game like Omaha, Texas Holdem, Seven card studs and so on. So there are lots of varieties where the player can enjoy a lot.

Tuesday, 8 January 2008

Late Post

Haven't updated much lately and am not sure if i had the required post for blogging my poker game. You can be pretty sure i haven't been touching any chips live on or offline. But after coming this far, i have been more often caught up with blog posting itself than reporting about my game. I do keep tab about my game and i know where i am going at. As long as i am still writing here, i will be alright.

Everyone will take a bad beat because it is just poker. No one will have a graph of a straight line upwards proportional between their profits and number of hands. Unless you are cheating. As much as how equally interesting bad beat stories can be, stories of other people's successes are great to hear. They can be inspirational. Because as poker players, we all can share the joy and know exactly how it feels like.

It is always great to read of other people's successes. Especially so when you just started playing and want to know what frustrates them that in another way can also be amusing to you. Either way, be it successes or poker related stories we do want to hear it right. We are all in it together. The game itself or the lack of it here are what we relate to easily.